1. Aww, thanks for your kind words Leah. I’m so glad you were able to participate. You had some really great answers to my questions.

    I’ve always been partial to The Mad Miss Manton due to Barbara Stanwyck’s presence. But your suggestions to improve it sound amazing!

    I second your opinion on William Powell. Today’s men would do well to copy his wit and snark, not to mention his approachable sophistication.

    And who doesn’t love Preston Sturges and Eve Arden? She’s another one who would have made a great lead like Jack Carson.

    Your questions are so creative. I can’t wait to see how everyone answers them.

    • Thanks again for the nomination! And yes, Stanwyck definitely makes it a better film than it had any right to be! Eve would have been a fabulous lead. I grieve a little every time she leaves the screen. Yes, Powell’s style and wit are really the gold standard, aren’t they? I want to hang out with him so much.

  2. Like Margot, I very much appreciate the thought, but nobody in the sports blog world does these things, and everybody I know in the film blog world has already been nominated. But since you nominated me, I will at least answer your questions:

    1) The Toga Party from Animal House.
    2) Clubber Lang from Rocky III.
    3) The Conversation
    4) Tie – Either the “Eyeless Corpse” scene from The Birds or when we find out the real “Mrs. Bates” in Psycho. And I wanted to see more of naked Janet Leigh in the shower…
    5) Chevy Chase in Vacation
    6) Jerry Reed’s “Snowman” from Smokey and the Bandit
    7) The Right Stuff
    8) 1941
    9) Comedic: The “Terrible Masturbators” scene from Slap Shot. Dramatic: The “Luckiest Man on Earth” speech from Pride of the Yankees
    10) The “Diaper Chase” scene from Raising Arizona
    11) “Honey…can we get another frying pan? I’m a little squeamish cooking with the one we use to kill people.” – Eating Raoul

    • I love these answers so much. I’m totally with you on so many of them–especially the diaper scene in Raising Arizona! I’ve never seen The Right Stuff but always wanted to after I heard Tom Wolfe giving hilarious anecdotes about the making of it years ago. What is that last film??? I need to check that out:) But your best answer is definitely number 2. Clubber Lang would, indeed, be a horrifying guest.

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