1. I really like Stromboli but I feel it’s the type of film you have to watch more than once before truly appreciating it. You’re right, it’s far from perfect but I think that was the beauty of Italian neorealism. And it’s interesting to think Ingrid Bergman was the only professional actress in all that cast. I also agree with you that the film looks visually gorgeous at times. Some of the shots have a very interesting composition. Thanks so much for taking part in the blogathon with that great review!

  2. Wow, this looks like a hard sell for anyone outside of movie buff circles! And I’m someone who enjoys some pretty miserable movies lol. Your description of the tacked on Hollywood voiceover made me shudder. Still, Bergman’s performance sounds amazing.

  3. I didn’t love this film – maybe I need to see it again – but I agree that you cannot take your eyes off Bergman. She’s almost luminous, and she is pitch-perfect in her performance. She alone is worth the price of admission.

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