1. Brian

    I saw the 2017 version last year and liked it well enough, except I do remember being frustrated (is that the right word?) with all the zig-zagging the Philip character goes through with Rachel. Of course movies are at a disadvantage in getting into the nitty-gritty of complex psychological states, and if not done well, just end up confusing and frustrating viewers. Have never seen the 1952 version, but judging from the one still, it looks like Burton was free to unleash some of his inner ham. By the way, love the “Anti-Romance films” tag! : )

  2. I haven’t seen the remake (I don’t really want to), but I enjoyed the 1952 version. I thought de Havilland was brilliant. Even though I haven’t read the book yet, I found the 1952 movie very interesting. Nice review!

  3. saundersclarissa

    I haven’t seen the 2017 version but I did like the 1952 version. Olivia de Havilland is great in it. I have recently read the book and I agree, it is very good!

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