1. What a superb post, Leah. I was smiling with appreciation and admiration throughout. I’m still smiling. I’ve seen Detour a dozen times and never even considered the points that you raise here, both about Vera and about Al. (This, incidentally, made me laugh out loud: ” She’s Bonnie and this idiot won’t be her Clyde. It pisses her off.”) Now I want to watch the film again, with new eyes and a new feeling toward these characters. Really great stuff. Thank you so much for kicking off our blogathon with this one!

    • Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. I’d love to see a whole film about Vera. She’s fascinating to me. I’ve actually been rethinking all of the femme fatale designations since I started reading Dorothy Hughes and her reviewers. It makes watching these noirs so much fun.

  2. Constance Rose Metzinger

    This post intrigued me because I never even heard of Detour, let alone the dangerous Vera…but you hooked me, so I’ll be watching it soon!

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