Top 3 Kirk Douglas Performances

Kirk Douglas lived a very long life, but it’s still shocking to learn of his death. He was so incredibly alive onscreen. There are few performers in Hollywood history as charismatic as Douglas. Since his effect on his viewers was physical in its impact, I want to focus on the three performances that shocked me with their force.

3. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. For some reason, I watched this in class as an adolescent. (What exactly was the purpose of that unit?) I wasn’t into classic films then, and was skeptical about the movie’s cheesy premise. But in the center of this silly, over-dramatic film leapt Kirk Douglas. Who IS this guy? I thought, shocked by the actor’s joyous energy, cockiness, and sheer confidence. It’s probably also the first time I realized a classic film star could be very sexy. It obviously wasn’t the last.
2. The Bad and the Beautiful. What a perfect casting decision, to have Douglas play the sadistic, yet gifted producer who lures others to bad fates because he cares more about his art than treating his cast humanely.

Observe the way his three victims lean in to hear his new film idea, despite his previous treatment of them.

Of course they would, with Douglas’s talent and magnetism at full wattage in the role. Even the nicest characters Douglas ever played had an edge, but in this part, Douglas revealed his skill in capturing the cruelty of a ruthless man.
1. Ace in the Hole. What a brilliant performance as the reporter who risks a man’s life to get a big story! After watching Douglas in action, it was hard to get behind any other actor playing an ambitious reporter. Who else could show that flashing excitement about a story, that single-minded intent? And what other actor could be convincing enough to make audiences believe that one unscrupulous man could persuade a community of sensible people to make such a dangerous mistake?

Douglas owns this film. Thanks to his perfect performance, he gives Billy Wilder’s dark satire the resonance it deserved. The film is one of the greatest of its era, and is so eerily prescient it can be difficult to watch. It wouldn’t have had nearly the power it does with a different actor.
I know others would argue for Spartacus, another of his momentous roles, and certainly one that showcased Douglas’s impressive physicality. But these three were the roles that fixed me to the screen, unable to turn away.
I know there’s much more to say about the actor, particularly his part in ending the blacklist. But today I just want to say how grateful I am for his powerhouse presence onscreen. I always felt if I would just reach forward, he’d jump out to join me in my living room, that sexiest and most riveting of classic actors. No wonder it’s so hard to let him go.