1. You just made me want to rewatch this. I recall being underwhelmed by it, but I think I was too young to pick up all the nuances you describe here. Great post!

  2. Ha! I love how you concluded this, by urging Laura to get outta Dodge.
    Like the previous commenter, I was underwhelmed by this film, but you’ve persuaded me to give it another go. I especially liked your insight: “I would argue Laura still is a ghost through no fault of her own. Real/imagined impressions of her haunt her admirers and herself.” Great stuff!

  3. sweetlycandy1100cbe15d

    Can you believe I have’t seen this yet? I love Gene Tierney and her films-I need to find this and watch is asap. And thank you for the spoilers warning lol -A Vintage Nerd xox

  4. I adore this film because all of the characters are so beautifully weird – and beautiful to look at. Laura Hunt is a prize dope and she surrounds herself with a few – and a few who personify the phrase “with friends like these, who needs enemies.” I do like Laura’s wardrobe and her swanky 40s style apartment. And Dana Andrew’s look as Clifton Webb emerges from his tub is priceless.

    • LOL. The clothes are gorgeous, as are the people. I’d forgotten that moment, but you’re right. The Waldo character makes Dana Andrews uncomfortable throughout. It’s clear that his character has no experience dealing with a man whose sexuality is different than his own, and Waldo enjoys messing with his mind.

  5. I love how you call out these characters, and your observation of the “male gaze on steroids” is spot on. Terrific write-up! Thanks so much for adding your insights for the blogathon!

  6. I enjoyed “seeing” the movie again through your writing as you have us look at it through the gaze of the men in Laura’s life. She could certainly do better than all of them.

  7. Superb stuff, Leah! I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this post. (Well, I guess I could… LOL) I’ve seen Laura numerous times — including just last night on TCM — and never thought about the points you raised. Your writing was first-rate, as always, but I really loved that you made me look at this old favorite with a fresh take. First-rate!


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