1. I love this movie, but you’re right, it has its problems. The stuff with Maxie always makes me uncomfortable; I usually fast-forward or mute those moments. But I adore the scenes with Lori and Randy. When he walks in on Mike mocking him and shows him photos of his wife and kids, I get a big smile on my face. Very well-written post, Leah! So glad you joined the blogathon!

  2. For some reason, I’ve never seen this film in its entirety. And I’m feeling ripped off that I’ve never seen any of Dolores Gray’s scenes. Well, I’m going to remedy that ASAP.

    I really enjoyed your review. Love how you structured it. 🙂

  3. I’m surprised to hear just how non-PC the film is with regard to someone with a disability. How far we have come, in some ways at least! It sounds like that would spoil it, but I’d give it a look at least, with Bacall and Peck in the leading roles.

    • It’s not Bacall’s best performance, or Peck’s, for that matter, but in those moments when she gets to be regal and he gets to be relaxed, they’re fun to watch. Yes, it’s disappointing–and though it’s far less important, those parts are just flat out unfunny.

      • That’s an interesting comment – about it being less important that it’s less funny. It made me wonder, if it was funny, would we perhaps be willing to forgive the non-PC material, on the basis that it’s from the 1950s. I think we would, probably. I can’t think of another example of portraying a person with disabilities as the butt of jokes in old comedies except perhaps some of Jerry Lewis’s characters? But then, he’s actively participating so maybe the humour empowers the “disabled” character in a way? Anyway, having thought about it, I think the failure of the set up with the “disabled” character in this film, to be funny, is significant because the lack of humour has drawn your attention to what, without any humour, just seems awkward and mean-spirited.

        • You’re probably right. The lack of humor definitely draws our attention to its mean-spirited nature. I don’t really need humor to be PC if it’s less targeted–or more generous in spirit. When they’re hard on everyone, humorists can get away with it.

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